Not Just Another Video Management Platform
panon view adalah Video Management System dari panon. Sistem ini dirancang untuk mengoptimalkan penggunaan sumber daya, antarmuka yang ramah, dan mudah untuk memperluas jumlah kamera manajemen. Sistem ini terdiri dari server administratif dan perangkat lunak untuk mendukung administrator sistem hingga 500 umpan kamera ke layar apa pun dengan pemutaran video ultra-rendah, latensi, jernih, tata letak yang dapat disesuaikan, dan dasbor analitik.

Feature of panon view

Easily Manage Your Devices
Integrate any type of CCTV brand under one platform. Automatically monitor events from large number of surveillance (CCTV) cameras, alarms, or sensors. Monitors all the systems and provides an at-a-glance view alerting security to any potential risks, threats, events, or scheduled tasks.

Smart Function & Video Compression
Integrate your video with various analytics. Support optimal management of smart recording data to save up to 70% from regular recording. Support the management of camera data such as camera group, camera position on map according to specific needs of different practical needs.

Custom Dashboard
Support to customize information displayed on the dashboard and display information about the overall camera system.

Security Feature
In addition having the network security under our SoC, the system allows real-time control and monitoring of system access and system supports user decentralization according to many different criteria: The right to affect the camera, the right to affect the camera group, the right to edit the system.
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